09.00-09.15:QUR’AN AND PRAYER
09.15-09.30: Opening Speech Of GIMDES President Dr. Huseyin Kami Büyüközer
09.30-10.30: Protocol Speeches
10.30-11.00: Coffee Break
11.00-12.30: 1ST SESSION
“Halal and Healthy products manufacture and trade problems and its resolution proposals in the Muslims and non Muslim countries.”
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Yusuf Ziya KAVAKÇI (USA)
(GIMDES Fiqh Committee Member)
1. Mazhar Hussaini (USA)
(American Halal Foundation President)”
“Halal and Healthy products manufacture and trade problems and its resolution proposals in the non Muslim countries”
2. Mufti Zubair Butt (England)
(Member of Halal Monitoring Committee)
“Halal certification and related problems in non-Muslim countries”
3. Prof. Dr. Gültekin ÇETİNER (TÜRKİYE)
(Yalova University Engineering Faculty)
(Halal Economy)
12.15-12.30: (Questions)

12.30-14.00: 2nd SESSION
(Investigations of medicine and cosmetic raw material on the aspects of Islamic perspective
Moderator: : Prof. Dr. Hasan DOĞRUYOL (Türkiye)
(Uludag University Medicine Faculty Head of Department of Pediatric Surgery)
1.M.S. Navlakhi (South Africa)
(SANHA fiqh Board President)
( The Problems concerning development Islamic production system)
2. Dr. Ilker ALAT (TÜRKİYE)
(Afyonkarahisar Public Hospital)
Halal and Haram Relations On The Medical Applications From THe Cardiovascular Surgical Point of The View.
3. Mahmoud Tatari (Germany)
(Halal Control President)
(Halal Products trade problem between Islamic countries and solution)

13.45-14.00: (Questions)
14.00-15.00: Lunch Break and Prayer

15.00-16.30: 3nd Session
(Halal slaughter opinions of Muslims all in the world)
Moderator: Doç. Dr. Serkan ÇAKIR (TÜRKİYE)
Abant İzzet Baysal University Experimental Animals Implementation and Research Center)

2. Dr. Ilker ALAT (TÜRKİYE)
(Afyonkarahisar Public Hospital)
The Importance of Slaugthering (Cutting Throughout Neck) For Animal Sacrificing And The Medical Facts Which Make All Stunning Methods Like Electroschock, Anesthesia or Any Analgesic Interventions Haram
2. Dr. Hani Al-Maazeedi (Kuveyt)
(Kuwait Scientific Research Institute)
(Halal slaughter opinions of Muslims all in the world)
3. Fatih Kalender (TÜRKİYE)
(GIMDES Fiqh Member)
(Halal slaughter opinions of Muslims all in the world)
16.15-16.30: (Questions)
16.30-16.45: (Coffee Break)
16.45-17.50: 4th Session
(Consumption risks for transgenic and genetically modified organisms in Islam and Health viewpoint)
Moderator: Shaigh Thafier Najjar (S. AFRİKA)
(ICSA Head of Religious Affairs and Vice-President)

1.Prof. Dr. Aida Ghanem (FİLİSTİN)
(Researcher, Islamic Fiqh Legislation)
(Halal Team of Palestine)
Consumption risks for transgenic and genetically modified organisms in Islam and Health viewpoint)

2. Dr.Halim Aydın(TÜRKİYE)
(Director GİMDES Halal Products Research Institute)
(Consumption risks for transgenic and genetically modified organisms in Islam and Health viewpoint

3. Dr. Zuhair Mulla (Saudi Arabia)
(Advisor, Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA), Saudi Arabia)

(Consumption risks for transgenic and genetically modified organisms in Islam and Health viewpoint)
18.25-18.40: (Questions)
18.40- 18:55: (Closing Bulletin) –(Closing)