The President of the Islamic Council of South Africa (ICSA) in South Africa and the Board Member of the World Halal Council, Mr. Respected Thafier NAJJAR, visited GIMDES and met with Dr.Read More…
The President of the Islamic Council of South Africa (ICSA) in South Africa and the Board Member of the World Halal Council, Mr. Respected Thafier NAJJAR, visited GIMDES and met with Dr.Read More…
It is stated in the 69th Verse of the Surah al-Anfal , which was revealed on the 17th day of Ramadan in 624 (in the 2nd year of the Hijra): So consumeRead More…
The 19th Annual General Meeting of the World Halal Council (WHC), which was established in 1999, was held in Istanbul between 11-13 November 2023. WHC members, who come together once a year,Read More…
Dr. Hüseyin Kâmi BÜYÜKÖZER The 19th Ordinary General Assembly of the World Halal Council (WHC), the accreditation umbrella body of Halal Certification Bodies worldwide, was held on 9-13 November 2023 at IstanbulRead More…
The statement that Allah (swt) has inspired in the hearts of Muslims since the beginning of this century, “THE NEW MILLENNIUM WILL BE THE MILLENNIUM OF ISLAM’S VICTORY” is now beginning toRead More…
Dr. Hüseyin Kâmi BÜYÜKÖZER The mailed fist of Hamas, which we believe aims to invite the world public opinion to stop the injustice and cruelty inflicted on the Palestinian people and toRead More…
Dr. Hüseyin Kâmi BÜYÜKÖZER With the permission of our Lord, we are restarting our madrasahs, where science education is provided in the light of Islamic sciences, the last examples of which wereRead More…
Dr. Hüseyin Kami BÜYÜKÖZER We invite our brothers from all over the world to Istanbul for 2 big events to be held in Istanbul for HALAL AND TAYYIB LIFE on 10-13 NOVEMBERRead More…